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Recruitment "To Do" List

  1. THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP in signing up for membership recruitment is to contact the Panhellenic or Greek Life office at the college or university you plan to attend and REGISTER with them.  You must be registered there to participate in the Membership Recruitment process.  They also can provide you with additional details and direct you to a calendar of events for your campus.

    • Call or visit the website for the Panhellenic or Greek Life office at your college or university to find out their registration process.

    • Review the information concerning sororities and the calendar of events for that campus.

    • You should receive a registration form, recruitment rules, and details about recruitment on your chosen campus.

    • Be aware of deadlines for submission of forms – each campus is different!

  2. Complete the North Texas Area Alumnae Panhellenic Recruitment Registration .  Please contact Kristina Higgins if you have questions about this.

  3. Prepare a social resume (not a business resume — there is a difference) listing your academic standing, honors, activities, and interests. Be prepared to furnish it to schools or alumnae upon request. Here are two samples resumes to offer some guidance: Social Resume #1 and Social Resume #2

  4. Choose photographs for submission; most sororities prefer two pictures.  (HINT: Be sure these photos are a good likeness.  They do not need to be professionally done, but sorority members want to be able to recognize you when you arrive at their sorority house!)

  5. Begin networking with family, friends, and teachers to let them know your plans about participating in sorority recruitment.

  6. You will need personal recommendations from sorority alumnae who know you or your family. Try to get a recommendation or letter for each sorority group on the campus you will attend. Alumnae writing recommendations often have slight variations in what’s needed to help them complete their recommendation letters.  However, a social resume and photographs typically are standard requirements.  Information is to be submitted to reco mendation writers digitally / electronically.    Once you register with us, we will send a pdf document with additional instructions for both you and the women completing your recommendations.  PLEASE READ THIS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY!

  7. Remember to thank each alumna writing a letter or recommendation on your behalf! This needs to be done in the form of a handwritten Thank You note, not an e-mail or text.

  8. The National Panhellenic Conference sororities have websites providing information about their values, philanthropic pursuits, and successes. Become familiar with those sororities on your intended campus. This knowledge will enable you to ask good questions based on your interests and ultimately make an informed decision about your sorority membership.

  9. Review the Panhellenic website for your campus and learn about the sororities on the campus you will be attending.

  10. Check out the National Panahellenic Conference (NPC) website (

  11. Review rules of Panhellenic on your chosen college campus. Potential new members (PNM’s) are responsible for learning and abiding by these rules. A violation of these rules could make you ineligible for pledging. When you register with your college Panhellenic, the rules of that campus should be sent to you.

  12. Contact us with any additional questions or concerns.

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